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aba Yaga was a little irked the next morning to discover that somehow |
Vasalisa had managed to complete all her chores. She had been looking forward to a little breakfast of girl but settled for a bowl of instant oatmeal and a Pop-tart. Before she blew off for the day, the hag gave Vasalisa a few more assignments. See this? Baba yaga pointed to an enormous heap of dark tidbits black specks You must Pick out: the poppy seeds from the dirt the periods from the pixels the dashes ---- from the dots And over here... See this pile? Vasalisa looked at an even larger mound You need to SPECIFY these for me: the good grain from the rotting wheat the CMYK Gold from the RGB yellow the elegant typeface from the grungy font ![]() |
AND HERE Heres the MOST IMPORTANT stack The Yaga gestured toward a tower of paperwork... You need to separate: the fresh corn from the mildewed corn the beautiful images from the ugly images the thoughts from the feelings And if youre not done by the time I get back... Then Ill have YOU for supper! She ran a wicked tongue across her own zig-zaggy grin and pretended to be reading from a cookbook: Lets see... How to Prepare: Vasalisa Surprise... When the hag was gone, Vasalisa looked at the rubble and crumpled down into herself. |
No Way. No Way! Not humanly possible! She was teetering on the edge of a tantrum. But then again, up popped the little doll, (pocket protector that she was.) |
![]() She said to Vasalisa. Dont Worry! Ill help you, and ALL this work will get done. And so Vasalisas personal assistant her tiny search engine went on automatic pilot sorting separating optimizing batch-processing |
all the tedious and time consuming operations that needed to be finished by deadline. When Baba Yaga returned home that evening, she was surprised by how much the girl had been able to accomplish . ![]() |