Vasalisa Electric NOTES

1 Walter Benjamin, Illuminations p.94.

2 Penelope Leach,Your Baby and Child. p. 209.

3 Peter L. Rudnysky,Transitional Objects and Potential Spaces / Literary uses of D.W. Winnicott. p. xii.

4Ellen Handler Spitz, “In Picturing the Child’s Inner World of Fantasy: On the Dialectic between Image and Word.”Transitional Objects and Potential Spaces / Literary uses of D.W. Winnicott. p. 262.

5 Janet H. Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck.p.99.

6 Jessica Helfand, Six Essays on Design and New Media. p. 61.

7 Roland Barthes, Image - Music - Text.p.148.

8 Michael Rock,“The Designer as Author”. EYE 20/96. p. 47.


10 D.W. Winnicott,The Location of Cultural Experience,Playing and Reality. p. 102.

11 R.D. Jameson, “Cinderella in China”, Cinderella: A Folklore Casebook. p. 93.

12 Alan Dundes, Cinderella - A Folklore Casebook p. xiii.

13 Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with the Wolves. p. 92.


14 Anne Burdick,Ways of Telling/Or the plot gets Thicker, Fragments, Reconfigures, Branches, Multiplies.New Media / New Narrative.p.19.

15 D.W. Winnicott, Playing and Reality (xi)

16 Jay David Bolter,Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print. p.104.

17 Jay David Bolter,Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print. p. 23..

18 Jay David Bolter,Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print. p. 24.

19 Jay David Bolter,Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print p. 12.

20 Janet H. Murray,Hamlet on the Holodeck. p. 99.

21 Janet H. Murray,Hamlet on the Holodeck p. 30-38.

22 Janet H. Murray,Hamlet on the Holodeck p.156.

23 Anne Burdick, “Ways of Telling/Or the Plot Gets Thicker, Fragments, Reconfigures, Branches, Multiplies”. p 19.

24 Shelley Jackson, Doll Games <>


25 Richard Hollis, Graphic Design - A Concise History. p.7.

26 Umberto Eco, “Towards a New Middle Ages”. Un Signs. p. 502.

27 Paul Jobling and David Crowley, In the empire of signs: ideology, mythology and pleasure in advertising, Graphic Design Reproduction and Representation since 1800. p.260

28 Paul Jobling and David Crowley, In the empire of signs: ideology, mythology and pleasure in advertising, Graphic Design Reproduction and Representation since 1800 p.262.

29 Marina Warner, From the Beast to the Blonde. p. xxiv

30 Marina Warner, From the Beast to the Blonde p.385.


31 Joellyn Rock, Vasalisa Electric - {A Messier History of Graphic Design}

32 Martha Scotford, Messy History vs. Neat History: Toward an Expanded View of Women in Graphic Design. Visible Language 28:4.p. 367.

33 Penelope Leach,Your Baby and Child. p. 209.

34 Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway, What to Expect The Toddler Years p.113.

35 Susan Yelavich, Narrative: A Security Blanket for the Nervous Nineties.New Media / New Narrative p 4..


36 Vannever Bush, “As We May Think”.Atlantic Monthly,July 1945, 101-8.

37 Martha Scotford, “Messy History vs. Neat History: Toward an Expanded View of Women in Graphic Design.”Visible Language 28:4.p. 373.

38 Michael Dartnell, “HTML As Needlepoint”. CTheory, Vol. 22,No. 3, Article 77, 1999. <>

39 Walter Benjamin, “The Storyteller”. Illuminations. p.91.


40 Marie-Louise von Franz, The Beautiful Wassilissa,The Cinderella Casebook.p.215.

41 Alicia Ostriker,The Thieves of Language: Women Poets and Revisionist Myth-making.The New Feminist Criticism.1989

42 Alicia Ostriker,The Thieves of Language: Women Poets and Revisionist Myth-making.The New Feminist Criticism.1989


43 Martha Scotford, “Messy History vs.Neat History”.Visible Language 28:4. p. 374.

44 Ken Garland,First Things First Manifesto.

45 Martha Scotford, “Messy History vs.Neat History.”Visible Language 28:4. p. 377.

46 Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, interviewed by Liz McQuiston, Women in Design.p.20.


48 Cristina Bacchilega, Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrrative Strategies.p. 7.


49 Jessica Helfand, “A New Webbed Utopia”.Six Essays on Design and New Media. p. 47.

50 Jack Zipes, When Dreams Came True. p.4.

51 Joline Blais, Fair e-Tales.<>

52 Nick Montfort, “The Girl and The Wolf, A Variable Tale Beehive.“<>

53 Walter Benjamin, “The Storyteller”. Illuminations. p. 102.